冰人四万年 剧情|资料|动态
本片中蒂莫西·赫顿饰演的史坦利夏柏德率领的北极探险队发掘了一个4000年前冰结冰人(尊龙 饰 ),并将他带回文明社会。史坦利夏柏德想接近该冰人以了解人类的过去。而其他队员的则想借着解剖冰人以了解人体细胞生长的奥秘。
An anthropologist who is part of an arctic exploration team discovers the body of a prehistoric man who is still alive. He must then decide what to do with the prehistoric man and he finds himself defending the creature from those that want to dissect it in the name of science.