幸运儿 第二季 剧情|资料|新闻
现在漫威的各大漫画角色已经攻陷好莱坞,而他们的灵魂人物——Stan Lee开始将注意力转向英国电视。这部轻松明快的剧集由James Nesbitt 主演,一个幸运到爆炸的伦敦警探。两位主要配角由来自美剧《英雄》的Sendhil Ramamurthy和来自《护士当家》的Eve Best主演。
6 months after rescuing his family from Golding, Harry Clayton is a very different man. He hasn"t laid a bet in 186 days and has sworn off using the power of the bracelet - until he meets a woman with an identical bracelet.